workaround audio bug since Magia Record 3.0.1 author: segfault-bilibili Since Magia Record 3.0.1, there appears to be a bug affecting minor fraction of players. Such bug makes the game audio (including BGM, sound effects etc) sound strange: (1) the pitch sounds to be lower than normal; (2) the time sounds to be "stretched" longer/slower than normal. There's currently an experimental modification to workaround this bug. To distinguish from other EX versions without this experimental modification, APK files which contain this mod have "-audiofix" suffix in its file name, like: "magireco-3.0.2-EX-audiofix.apk". The root cause of this bug is still unclear. It should be some kind of sample rate mismatch. It's observed that the audio is "stretched" exactly 8.84% longer than it should be, which matches exactly with 48 / 44.1 = 108.84%; plus the currently observed fact that only environments with a 44.1kHz system audio output sample rate seem to have this problem; it's guessed that deceiving the game to make it think the system audio output sample rate was 48kHz (instead of actual 44.1kHz) might make this problem go away - and luckily, it does, at least in our limited tests. However, it's still confusing why such trick seems to work. 自从魔法纪录3.0.1版开始,出现了一个影响少数玩家的bug。 这个bug会让音频(包括背景音乐、音效等等)听起来很奇怪: (1) 音调听起来比正常低; (2) 时间听起来也被拉长/变慢了。 目前有一个实验性的小修改来绕过这个bug。 为了与不带这个修改的其他EX版区分,进行过这种修改的APK文件名含有"-audiofix"后缀,比如: "magireco-3.0.2-EX-audiofix.apk"。 导致这个bug的根本原因还不太清楚。可能是某种采样率不匹配。 据观察,音频被拉长到正好108.84%,和 48 / 44.1 = 108.84% 吻合。 再加上目前观察到只有系统音频输出采样率是44.1kHz的环境才有这个问题; 就可以猜测,如果欺骗游戏、使其认为系统音频输出采样率是48kHz(而不是实际值44.1kHz) 就能让问题消失——实际上也确实消失了,至少在有限的测试里是这样。 然而,现在还并不清楚为什么这一招看上去能奏效。